United Kingdom Peterborough Youth Radio
Peterborough Youth Radio
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Peterborough Youth Radio

Géneros: newspoptalk

Peterborough City &Youth Radio is a non-commercial radio service in Peterborough, by Peterborough, for Peterborough. We are a Not For Profit community broadcasting organisation, with a specific Brief and funded by grants, donations, corporate support, fund-raising events and support in-kind. Peterborough City & Youth Radio is run entirely by volunteers and peers from all backgrounds. It is a forum for expressive and reflective community building across the diversities of gender, age, race, sex and sexual orientation, faith, religion, culture and status.


Llámanos o completa el formulario a continuación y nos comunicaremos con vos. Nos esforzamos por responder todas las consultas dentro de las 24 horas en días hábiles.
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